Issue: 2, 9/30/23

Year: 2023

Anatolian Archeology / Journal of Anatolian Archeology is published by Atatürk University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Archeology, which has a long history as the third Archeology department established in Turkey. The main purpose of the journal is to bring together scientific publications in Anatolia and the surrounding geography, which have a common cultural past with geographical connections, on a common ground, and to turn them into international scientific publications. In this way, it will be ensured that scientific data, which actually presents very important data, but remains local and national, is handled on this broad common ground, and that scientific information is handled together with different data that can be obtained from different localizations, and these scientific data will be transformed into more comprehensive information.

The journal is an international peer-reviewed journal and will be published as an electronic journal, 2 issues a year, in June and December, starting from 2022. All articles submitted to the journal go through the peer-review process, which are evaluated by competent and independent referees before being published.

The research area of the journal basically covers the wide cultural region that includes ancient Anatolia and its surroundings. In the journal, scientific studies of archaeological and archeology and scientific fields in interdisciplinary connection will be included in the cultural history of this wide geography, covering the process from the Prehistoric Ages to the Byzantine Period. In this context, a wide range of topics such as ceramics, sculpture, terracotta figurines-choroplastic, stone, glass, bone, metal tools, jewelry or other materials, architecture, numismatics, settlement archeology, material culture archeology, ethnoarchaeology and historical geography are the focus of the journal. takes. In addition to archaeological data, anthropology, restoration-conservation, geophysics and other archaeometric studies are also the focus of the journal's scientific publication.

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archaeology should include a Turkish (Oz) and English (Abstract) abstract of at least 150 and a maximum of 250 words, and keywords of 4-6 words, again in Turkish and English.
2. At the beginning of the abstracts, the titles in Turkish and English should be written in capital letters.
3. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archeology, Times New Roman, 12 font size, single-spaced; It should not exceed 25 A4 pages, including maps, photographs and drawings.
4. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archaeology can be written in either Turkish or English at the discretion of the author.
5. At the bottom of the first page (in the footnote) where the names and surnames of the author(s) are included, the academic title, the name of the institution, e-mail address and ORCID numbers should be included.
6. Subheadings in the articles I. II. III. Roman numerals should be used and written in bold, respectively.
7. Bibliographic references should be placed in the footnote at the bottom of the page in 10 points and each source used in the footnote should be included in the bibliography in alphabetical order in APA style.
8. Map, Photograph, Drawing etc. in the text. should be named as “Figure” in all of the images and their numbers should be made by considering continuity.
9. The visual material to be sent in digital format must be in JPEG or TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
10. The responsibility of the cited figures belongs to the author or authors. The source for these figures must be cited.
11. Tables in the text should be numbered sequentially (Table 1:, Table 2:) and the explanation about the table should be given next to the number above the table.
12. Footnotes and bibliography to be used in the texts should be prepared in the following sample system.


Single-Author texts : Tavukçu 2004, 755
Dual Authored texts : Kasapoğlu & Başaran 2021, 247
Texts with three or more authors : Can et al. 2017, 75

Reference to different publications of the author published in the same year
Akarsu 2018a, 135
Akarsu 2018b, 60


Kasapoğlu, H. & Başaran, C. (2021). Parion Odeionu’nda Bulunan Artemis/Diana Heykeli. OLBA, XXIX, 245-268.

Sagona, A. (2017). The Archaeology of The Caucasus: From Earliest Settlements to the Iron Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Editorial Book Section
Özdoğan, M. (2007). “Çağdaş Düşünme Aracı Olarak Arkeoloji”, M. Alparslan, M. D. Alparslan, H. Peker (Eds.), Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol’a Armağan, VITA Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol, İstanbul, 569-575.

Thesis (PhD or Master's)
Genç, B. (2015). Urartu ve Assur Arasındaki Kültürel İlişkiler ve Urartu‟nun Dönüşümünde Assur Etkisi. (Doktora Tezi), Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.

Congress-Symposium Proceedings
Seidl, U. (2012). “Rusa son of Erimena, Rusa son of Argisti and Rusahinili/Toprakkale”, S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf, P. Zimansky (Eds.), Biainili-Urartu: The Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Munich (12-14 October 2007), Peeters, 2012, 177-181.

Translation Publications
Mørkholm O. (1991). Erken Hellenistik Çağ Sikkeleri. (Çev. O. Tekin), İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.

Online Resources
Roman Provincial Coinage, (Erişim Tarihi: 27.06.2022)

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archaeology should not have been published anywhere before and should not be in the evaluation process of another publisher or journal.
2. You should send your articles to be published in the Journal of Anatolian Archeology (Anatolian Archeology) to
3. The publication and publication rights of the studies submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archeology are transferred to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced or used in another publication without the permission of the journal management.
4. Any legal, legal, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from the articles sent to the Journal of Anatolian Archaeology, even if the article is published, belongs to the authors. The journal does not accept any liability.
5. Articles submitted for publication to the Journal of Anatolian Archaeology can be in Turkish or English at the discretion of the author. Articles are evaluated and published in line with the referees' reports.
6. The articles to be submitted to our periodical, which is published twice a year, will be published in June and December within the said year. For this reason, the articles that are considered to be published for the June issue of the articles should be published on April 30 at the latest; Articles that are planned to be published in the December issue must be submitted to the editors via / by October 30 at the latest.
7. We reserve the right not to publish the articles sent to our journal.

1. The text of your articles that you want to be published in the Journal of Anatolian Archeology (Anatolian Archeology) should be sent to as a Word document and the figures should also be sent sequentially in JPEG or TIFF format.
2. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatolian Archeology are first evaluated by the editors in terms of compliance with the writing and publication principles. Those that do not comply with the writing principles are sent back to the author or authors.
3. Manuscripts found suitable for evaluation in terms of writing and publishing principles are scanned in iThenticate or Turnitin programs. The publications with a similarity rate of more than 25% as a result of the scanning made without including the bibliography may be rejected without the appointment of a referee. Authors can send similarity reports of the aforementioned programs themselves while submitting the article.
4. The articles sent to the Journal of Anatolian Archeology are sent to 2 referees after passing the aforementioned control, and the evaluation process is started. The identity of the author is not disclosed to the referees. The referees are expected to accept the articles sent for review within 10 days. Evaluation requests that are not accepted within the specified time are sent to another referee.
5. After the referees accept the article sent to them, the evaluation period is 20 days. At the end of this process, a new referee is appointed for the manuscript that is not reported. The editor may give an additional 5 days for evaluation in special cases.
6. The referees send the article to the editor with the evaluation form and the following result expressions.
• The article can be accepted without modification
• The article can be accepted with minor changes. (don't need to see it again)
• The article can be accepted with minor changes. (I want to see again)
• The article can be accepted after re-reading with major changes.
• The article cannot be published for the reasons in the report.
7. If one of the referees is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. Referees are selected from among experts in the department in which the article is located.
8. In order for the study to be accepted, at least 2 referees must evaluate it positively. From the submission of the article to the acceptance/rejection, the process is completed within 3 months.
9. Authors can object to the referee's report. Objections are reviewed by the journal management and can be submitted to a different referee, if deemed appropriate.

Anatolian Archaeology / Anadolu Arkeolojisi Dergisi makalelerin gönderim, değerlendirme ve yayınlanma olmak üzere hiçbir aşamasında ücret talep etmez.

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